Monday, September 5, 2011

Mini bears demo for Sept. guild meeting

Bear with bird friends - by Jainnie Jenkins
Hi everyone!  For this coming Sunday meeting I'll be demo-ing mini bears! I was having a hard time figuring out what I wanted to demo, and my husband said, "do what you like bears" so bears it is. 

I've been making a bunch of different types of bears and will bring these to the meeting.  If you are interested in trying to make your own bears, here is a supply list:

--Raw Sienna clay (or any brown clay) (1 block should be good)
--White clay (1/2 block or less)
--Translucent clay (1/2 block or less)
--Yellow cadmium clay (1/2 block or less)
--Black clay (small amount)

--pasta machine, roller, or hands for conditioning clay
--Ball stylus (optional)
--Regular stylus (with pointy tip)
--Colour Shapers (optional...these are tools with various rubber tips. I like to use Size 0 Cup Round, and the Size 0 Taper Round)
--Cutting blade or Xacto knife

Another optional item is:
Acrylic paints (these are for creating washes over the bears after they are done baking.  I used black and white paint).

Here are a couple pics of some of the bears I've made.  Like I said, I'll be making more before the meeting!  See you there! (And I'm also including a pic of our bear that frequents our backyard.)

And please remember that Membership fees are due this month and we will be having elections for board positions that are open. :)


Mini bears - by Jainnie Jenkins
Mini bear - by Jainnie Jenkins
Mr. Bear in my backyard (he's a good bear!)


Unknown said...

I wish I could be there to see you make those adorable little guys!

Jainnie Jenkins said...

Hi Alaina, yes, that would be fun if you were there! :)

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