Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Guild Member Spotlight - Peggy Davis

Peggy Davis - Steampunk Cuff 

"I can't thing of anything in clay I wouldn't try," says PPPCG member, Peggy Davis.  "I like steampunk because you can put just about anything on the item you are making and it will look pretty good!"  Claying for only 3 years, Peggy says she loves to learn everything she can from the books and classes she takes. 

Peggy Davis - Steampunk pendants
Peggy Davis - Flower & Butterfly clay and resin pendant, and Flower Cuff
Peggy Davis - Christi Friesen inspired Dragon, Rona Starvas Weitman inspired "Easter" necklace, and Flower clay and resin pendant  

For the Rona Starvas Weitman inspired necklace above, Peggy says, "The colors remind me of Easter.  I like these type of necklaces because you can just let your imagination go and create any type of beads." 

Hopefully you will be inspired by the many different techniques here.  Thanks for sharing with us, Peggy!

Faux Demo with Barb Harper

This past February, Barb Harper gave a terrific hands-on demonstration of faux techniques for guild members. She brought an abundance of visual inspiration for her faux bone, ivory and jade, including full color print-outs and art pieces from her own collection that she and other artists had made...enough in fact to fill two tables!  

Eva Rosado (PPPCG member) - Faux bracelet
Barb demonstrated not only faux techniques, but also provided tips on finishing by applying light or dark colored paint, and also shared molds she had created to use with the faux clay.  A very informative class, for sure!  Thanks, Barb, for sharing your wealth of knowledge!

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