Our last meeting was a nice chance to chat with other members and to get down to the nitty gritty of planning for the Country Christmas Show in Nov. (above image is the new Pikes Peak Polymer Guild banner, designed by Tejae for the Christmas Show.) Thanks to all who came. We also had two nice visitors, Terry Barber and Sherron Corry. We hope they will drop in again :-)
The October meeting is Sun the 14th - Tracy has offered to demo another "plastic" art form - she has made some amazing jewelry from shrink plastic... Marian Gurnee may also demo a fun technique (as long as it doesn't snow!)
We will field nominations for board positions - Tracy wants to step down from President after serving for two years and Bev Pressey wants to step down from Treasurer after serving since the guild's infancy - can't blame her for that!If you will not be attending the meeting, please send me your nominations... a list of nominees will be sent to all members following the Oct meeting and voting can be done by return email or by voting at the Nov meeting.
The sign up for the pen SWAP is now closed and 7 members signed up... the swap will happen at our Nov meeting... should be fun! Each swapper should make at least 8 pens so the guild can have a set for posterity :-)
When we finally get our cabinet, we can keep our collections there along with the library etc. Thanks for signing up!
Eva Rosado
Lynn Thomas
Peg Montieth
Cathie Graeser
Betty Wilkinson
Barb Watson
Marian Gurnee